Convert a Horizontal Reel (Original or Low-Pro) from a radial mount to a flat mount or from a flat mount to a radial mount by replacing the base.
RL-CK1500 - Original Horizontal Reel - Radial to Flat
RL-CK1600 - Low Pro Horizontal Reel - Radial to Flat
RL-CK-1500R - Original Horizontal Reel - Flat to Radial
RL-CK-1600R - Low Pro Horizontal Reel - Flat to Radial *
Flat Mount comes with (x2) 10-24 3/4" Stainless Steel Head Hex Bolts for mounting on RIFFE Euro Series and other RIFFE models using thread inserts or may be mounted with wood screws placed in a pre-drilled hole.
* Radial Mount comes with (x2) #10 1 1/4" Hex Head Screws for mounting directly into wood stock.